Tag: #injuries

Wayne Allyn Root with the Most Important Stories in America: Wayne Exposes Covid Vaccine Deaths and Injuries… the Start of WW3… Biden Administration Desperately Wants Civil War Inside USA and Much More! (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Watch Wayne’s “America’s Top Ten Countdown” with his World-Famous “Final Four” airing every Friday at 10pm ET and Saturday at Noon ET on Real America’s Voice TV Network. Also watch…

U.S. Investigator on 60 Minutes: Russia is Behind ‘Havana Syndrome’ Attacks on More Than 100 U.S. Officials — They are Believed to be “Wounded by a Secret Weapon Firing a High-Energy Beam of Microwaves or Ultrasound” Causing Mysterious Brain Injuries | The Gateway Pundit

Screenshot: 60 Minutes The Gateway Pundit cannot confirm or deny the accuracy of this report. Given the volume of propaganda being disseminated by the Biden regime and the media, we…

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