BREAKING: SEC Asks Judge to Quash Deposition from a Former SEC Official in Crypto Case – Former SEC Chairman Clayton Initiated Case Hours Before He Resigned

Please watch the videos in order otherwise you will get confused. I put it in a chronological order specifically to paint the perfect picture in a Step-By-Step format. Your manual into the new world.

Study it more than once if you have too, this is my free gift to all of you, so that you can make the transition over and I hope you will bring other people, as my motto is “No One Left Behind”. Also check out here (we originally got this from Rose Rambles, but it’s originally from to learn more about the precious metals on which our new prosperity programs are based.

WELCOME TO the biggest transfer of wealth of this millennium. AMG team, is 100% committed and we will live or die on the battlefield to save the little people.

Get Awesome Patriot Gear Today! Pay Just S&H For Most Items!

Welcome to the Family!

1. XRP End Game

​If your new and know nothing about XRP (Ripple) Quantum Financial System (QFS) or Cryptocurrencies.

This is the first video you should watch, it’s extremely well produced, and the average person will understand instinctively that XRP was designed to be well over $10,000 per coin. Most of these videos are short and sweet, and right to the point. Most importantly not boring.

Click Here to Start Your Uphold Account to buy XRP & Earn $20 in Bitcoin* 

2. New World Reserve Cryptocurrency Incoming! – Powered By Ripple (XRP)

​The validation that is coming, where we will reach a point that we will not be able to change the channel on the TV or make a left or a right turn on the internet, and XRP Ripple is going to be everywhere. You will not be able to escape the overwhelming publicity campaign that is coming. If you are invested by now, consider yourself very lucky. Remember not Financial Advice.

Click Here to Start Your Uphold Account to buy XRP & Earn $20 in Bitcoin* 

3. Bonfire Guy Presents: The Great Awakening

​​Trump is standing in the way of The Great Reset. This is a riveting, fast-paced, and emotional documentary through just the last 4 years. President Trump got the world leaders to capitulate from Saudi Arabia, Israel, Vatican, The Queen, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, the Davos crowd, and more. Let’s take you back to where the real fight happened and show you the history made with research from 3days3nights, Charlie Freak, Sam Kesterson of BardsFM, and more. Q140

4. The Chosen One: The Level Playing Field

​An economic level playing field is about to take place for all Countries. The world is moving to micro-transactions and with a decentralized global liquidity asset in the middle of all currencies. The unbanked will be able to fully participate in the economy.

5. CONTROL – The Level Playing Field

​Watching this video before that day will forever change the way you live and see the world. Someone cared enough to direct you here, take the time to understand and to further research for yourself what the Internet of Value will mean to the world.

6. BRICS AND THE US – The Level Playing Field

​​How does Trump fall in with Brics? We will dive into the Trump and the U.S. events of the past to show you a strong theme and bond, draining the swap. Change is coming for those who want to see it.

Will the New Development Bank be gifted with the escrowed XRP?

Are they are the new I M F?

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7. END GAME – Internet of Value and the rise of The Level Playing Field

​​An economic level playing field is about to take place for all Countries. The world is moving to micro-transactions and with a decentralized global liquidity asset in the middle of all currencies. The unbanked will be able to fully participate in the economy.

A level playing field will be amazing but it won’t come easy, a global economic collapse will need to take place to move us away from the Central Bank System. A cryptocurrency will become the world reserve currency, creating a level playing field for all. The completion of Brexit, China’s currency collapse, and re-election of Trump are key triggers.

Are you aware of the coming collapse? What will it mean to your money and investments? Being aware means you can position yourself now in front of a life-changing shift set to take place any day. It will be the greatest wealth transfer in history.

8. What is Gesara Nesara?

The video below will explain to you the Quantum Financial System in absolute perfect detail. It’s happening now. No one can stop what’s coming.

Absolutely nobody!

Although they do not mention XRP and Ripple by name, do not be fooled, XRP Ripple is without question unequivocally and irrevocably the global reset on financial system. We’re just waiting for Trump to come back so that it could take full effect in its proper format.

9. NESARA (National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act) Bill – PDF HERE

10. GESARA NESARA QFS Global Financial Reset – Everything is Changing – Trust The Plan! ARTICLE HERE

11. QFS: THE NEW FINANCIAL SYSTEM – Step Out of The Matrix and Into The Golden Age! ARTICLE HERE

12. QFS, GCR, Med Bed Intel ~ Step Out of The Matrix and Into The Golden Age ~ Trust The Plan! ARTICLE HERE

13. 4 Hours worth of Ripple R3 XRP Highlight videos from the last 2 years. By BankXRP on Youtube.

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14. XRP Pairs to Commodities & Metal?

​Providing this is true and we believe we have reason it is, XRP being traded for gold oil and other precious metals right now, this would mean that each XRP’s actual value currently could be north of $15,000 to $20,000 and beyond.

This has been verified by several chart analysts, there is no denying that this is occurring right now. Again this is not financial advice, please do your own research (DYOR) but I have to say it is exciting. We might be potentially buying an asset for a $1.5 or $2.00 or $5.00 for example, that can be currently worth $20,000+.

Can you imagine that?

Click Here to Start Your Uphold Account to buy XRP & Earn $20 in Bitcoin* 

15. XRP Motivational Videos

One of my favorite motivational video of DAI (Digital Asset Investor). Enjoy!

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Definitely some cursing in the video but it is a powerful powerful powerful powerful powerful videos.

16. Adoption of Digital Money

​IMF Reinventing Global Financial System and Understands XRP Benefits –


​They are literally telling you it’s coming. Video by King Solomon:

17. How The Blockchain is Changing Money and Business?

What is the blockchain?

If you don’t know, you should; if you do, chances are you still need some clarification on how it actually works. Don Tapscott explains in the video below, demystifying this world-changing, trust-building technology which, he says, represents nothing less t

18. Interview with Mark Philips

​Mark Phillips is without question one of the brightest minds in the crypto space. If you can get past 15-20 minutes of this interview, you will not be able to stop watching and without question it gives extreme credence to XRP, that it is the Quantum Financial System.

But remember they (as in the people upstairs) will not serve any wine until it’s time. It could happen in 6 months, or it could take another 16 months, and if they’re not in a hurry, IT could take another 28 months. We are powerless in this equation and must hodl strong! That is, if you want to collect?


My suggestion, (this is not financial advice) is to invest in coins like VECHAIN, XLM, XDC, XRP, IOTA and have an exit strategy for those coins. Live off of those for the time being, but leave your XRP alone until it reaches full maturity.

19. NESARA-GESARA Gene Decode

Folks, this video has been taken down countless times by the Communist YouTube Network, if I was you I would drop everything, watch it, and download it because they will delete it again, I personally guarantee it.




​Thanks to King Solomon for sharing this fantastic news!

21. How To Buy XRP on UPHOLD

Click Here to Start Your Uphold Account to buy XRP & Earn $20 in Bitcoin* 

22. Buy XRP in XUMM Wallet

Full Tutorial

23. How to Transfer XRP from Uphold to Other Wallet

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24. ISO 20022 CRYPTOS

The world of institutional global wire transfers and cryptos have long stood at odds with one another. The advent of cryptocurrency threatens to unseat international money wiring as a centralized service. Yet now, thanks to ISO 20022, it seems like these services might be able to coexist and deliver the best of both worlds. But, what are the crypto assets to buy in order to best benefit from this coming standard? Luckily, there are a variety of ISO 20022 cryptos to pick through.

​The International Organization of Standardization is behind the creation of the ISO 20022 standard. The organization introduced ISO 20022 as a way to have one standard method of developing messages between financial institutions. Indeed, institutions all over the world use their own different coding languages for these messages, which can make international transfers a very jumbled and disorganized process.

​ISO 20022 would consolidate all of these messaging formats into a single language — eXtensbile Markup Language (XML). Many organizations are starting to back ISO 20022. Notably, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) put its support behind the standard in 2018. The organization is migrating its members to the ISO 20022 standard. Earlier this month, the organization rolled out a testing environment for its clients to get a feel for the standard. It plans to have the standard fully implemented by the end of next year.

​The U.S. government is helping to greatly expedite the adoption of ISO 20022 as well. The Federal Reserve Board (FSR) is saying now that Federal Reserve Banks will adopt the standard in late 2023. The backing of FSR and SWIFT gives ISO 20022 a significant backing.

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Compliant ISO 20022 Cryptos Will See a Boom in 2022 With SWIFT Adoption

The ISO 20022 standard does threaten to get in the way of some cryptos. There are a number of experts who believe adoption of the standard will get in the way of cryptos like Bitcoin (CCC:BTC-USD) and keep them from becoming ubiquitous as international money-transfer plays. However, that’s not the case for a handful of ISO 20022 cryptos; there are five digital currencies that adhere to ISO 20022’s compliance requirements, making them apt plays for the year to come as SWIFT adopts the format.

Two cryptocurrencies are not just compliant with ISO 20022, they are members of the ISO 20022 Standards Body. These currencies are Ripple (CCC:XRP-USD) and Stellar Lumens (CCC:XLM-USD). Ripple is the first of the two to be added to this body, opening up standardization for distributed ledger technology. Stellar is a part of this body through IBM (NYSE:IBM), which uses Stellar to underlie its stablecoin-issuing operation.

​Other cryptos that are compliant with ISO 20022 include XDC (CCC:XDC-USD), Iota (CCC:MIOTA-USD) and Algorand (CCC:ALGO-USD). What ties all of these cryptos together — and differentiates them from non-compliant cryptos — is their focus on streamlining international wire transfers. As such, they are some of the earliest adopters of the ISO 20022 standard, seeing that it is rapidly growing in support from institutions. In addition to these five, there are three more cryptos rumored to be compliant. But, these cryptos are not yet officially listed as such. This list includes Hedera Hashgraph (CCC:HBAR-USD), Quant (CCC:QNT-USD) and Cardano (CCC:ADA-USD).

25. Flare Finance

​Flare Finance is going to be the spark token, and this is going to make XRP Ripple extremely powerful. It will dominate the Smart Contract space. BE VERY careful if you own ETHEREUM,

no one will be able to touch Flare. This is perhaps one of the best commercials ever produced regarding Flare Network.

Enjoy the video below.

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26. The Flare Network – What is it?

​Folks, one of the best advice I can give you is the following: Do not try to understand everything at once.

I promise you it will come to you as this is not rocket science. Some things may appear to be over your head in the beginning but do not let that get you discouraged. Besides, you don’t need to understand why the wheel is round, you just need to understand that it turns. So put some grease on it and make some money. We are all in on Flare – Spark.

We believe it will be the demise of Ethereum, as we believe both Bitcoin and Ethereum for Nothing But Dinosaurs. Let’s face it, it’s old technology, it should have gone extinct years ago. Just because they were the first two cars off the assembly line, that does not make them the best cars because technology is constantly being improved upon.

Remember that, not the first car, not the first blender, not the first television set that is the best. I bet you get the picture.

27. In regards to Nano X or S Hardware Wallet.

In regards to Nano X or S Hardware Wallet.

This video is the one I found that has the most views with great comments below. If you find something that’s better than this one, kindly share it with me, so we can always improve the manual. Thank you.

You can purchase a Ledger HERE.

28. Money Masters (1996)

The history of fiat currency and what an screw job it was. In the videos below, it’s explained in elementary terms.

“The Money Masters is a 1996 documentary film that discusses the concepts of money, debt, taxes, and describes their development from biblical times onward. ” ~ Jacko TV

29. How Big Earners Reduce their Taxes to Zero?

How Million Dollar Earners can Reduce Taxes to Zero. Grant Cardone will show you how to reduce your income tax to zero… Anyone can do it, it’s legal and if you don’t do it you are not following the strategies of the wealth. Get your money to work for you harder than your talent. I am going to show you how to play the game.

30. GESARA NESARA QFS Global Financial Reset – Everything is Changing – Trust The Plan!

GESARA NESARA QFS Global Financial Reset – Everything is Changing – Trust The Plan!

The Deep State do not want small businesses in America. Big corporations do want the competition for their new system. The system they are developing is the same system that Mussolini developed in Italy, it’s called fascism. Inflation is one way of getting rid of the old corrupt system and ushering in a news people’s system. This is what we are witnessing right now.

The Quantum Financial System is coming, XRP and XLM – digital assets are here to stay whether you like it or not. The XRPQFS Manual is intended for the new user who knows nothing about Nesara – Gesara, XRP and digital assets.

The game always been rigged. Most people invest their money/savings in the stock market with financial institutions who offers investments packages to BUY in the market. MOST people can’t SHORT/SELL the market. So when it drops and we’re in a down trend 95% of normal people are losing it all as they can’t SHORT/Sell the market.

Read More HERE:

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*after $250 in purchases.

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